That’s it, the ticket office is closed for the online show. You have been wonderful (families, schools) in your enthusiasm and messages.
We can’t wait to see you again in theatres or in the open air
You are amazing! Thank you !!
The tickets sold will contribute to the production of our 20th anniversary show.
We’re very excited to present the new work by composer Claude Evence Janssens: SCULPTING – compositions for a cello/percussion duo, enhanced by electronic samples.
Tom Bourgeois will soon be releasing an album with his new quartet:
In 14 tracks, the composer and saxophonist offers us a sensitive reworking of the work of Lilli Boulanger (1893-1918), with a rare intensity.
We’re very excited to present the new work by composer Claude Evence Janssens: SCULPTING – compositions for a cello/percussion duo, enhanced by electronic samples.
Tom Bourgeois will soon be releasing an album with his new quartet:
In 14 tracks, the composer and saxophonist offers us a sensitive reworking of the work of Lilli Boulanger (1893-1918), with a rare intensity.
So What? Productions
Cathy LORGE, Manager
c/o Artedon scrl
45b, avenue Van Goidtsnoven
1180 Brussels – Belgium
VAT : BE0430205193
Phone: +32 2
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