Welcome to SCULPTING!

sculpting violoncelle
sculpting violoncelle

We’re very excited to present the new work by composer Claude Evence Janssens: “SCULPTING” – compositions for a cello/percussion duo, enhanced by electronic samples.

SCULPTING” is an introspective journey of a character, lyrically personified by the cello, on a journey in which ambient sounds express the landscapes we travel through, while the percussion provides a counterpoint to the facts and accidents of life, as they come and go, here and there…

Sigrid Vandenbogaerde: cello
Pierre Quiriny: percussion + samples



sculpting violoncelle

Welcome to SCULPTING!

We’re very excited to present the new work by composer Claude Evence Janssens: SCULPTING – compositions for a cello/percussion duo, enhanced by electronic samples.

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Cathy LORGE, Manager
So What? Productions
Phone: +32 485 80 89 37
Mail : cathy[at]silex.net

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